Saya pernah jadi juara pidato dalam bahasa inggris lo gan, peristiwa itu ga akan terlupakan deh pokoknya hehe.
Bayangkan aja, waktu itu saya mendapat juara dua dari 50 peserta, wkwk Keren gak ? :p
Oke langsung aja, ini dia contoh pidato saya pada saat itu :)
of patriotism
The Honorable Judges
Speechs Competition
The Honorable All the
Speechs Contest Committee
And All participants
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
First of all, let us pray to the presence of God’s
grace, which is by grace we can gather with healthy.
Peace and Salutation be upon our prophet Muhammad
SAW, who has brought us from
the darkness into the brightness and guided us into
the right way of life.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
In this good opportunity, I would like to deliver a
speech about “Heroes Day”.
This speech aims at reminding us that the heroism,
patriotism and nationalism are very
important in developing our country. Without those
attitudes, it is impossible for us to
make our country survive.
Every year we commemorate Heroes’ Day on 10th
November. It is the reflection of our
country in appreciating the history of Indonesian
people in struggling against the
colonialism. Heroes’ Day also shows that our
founding fathers had sacrificed
everything to build this country.
There is a quote: a great country is a country which
appreciates all its heroes. We often
hear about it. We know that without our heroes’
sacrifices, there would be no this
country. The independence of Indonesia was not given
by the colonialist. It was
struggled by our founding fathers, by our heroes…
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Nowadays we live in an independence country. There
is no more battle against
colonialists. But, it does not mean that we stop
fighting. There are many kinds of
struggle that we must do. Fighting against
corruption, collusion and nepotism are
some examples of struggle. We must keep the spirit
of heroism, patriotism and
nationalism in developing this country. We implement
it based on our condition now.
We actualize it in every part of our life. We give
the best what we can do. We devote
our dedication to make this country better. That is
the way we appreciate our heroes.
I think that’s all my speech. Let us continue our Patriorism
spirit, let us continue our
struggle. Keep fighting… for our country, for a
better future!
Thank you very much for your attention.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb
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